
Hungary Magyarorság

Team info
Description A mindenkori magyar csapat a BOINC projektek erdejében! ;)

* Every abortion kills an innocent human being. (
* Every human being is a person. (
* Beginning at conception, every pregnancy involves two or more human bodies.
* It is just, reasonable, and necessary for society to outlaw certain choices.
* The right not to be killed supersedes the right not to be pregnant.
* Poverty, rape, disability, or “unwantedness” do not morally justify abortion.
* The differences between embryos and adults are differences of degree not of kind.
* To be only “personally pro-life” is to not be pro-life at all.
* If there is uncertainty about when human life begins, the benefit of the doubt should go to protecting life.
* Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth.
* Prior to abortion’s legalization, 90% of abortions were done by doctors, not by “coat hangers in back alleys"
* The prenatal 8 week+ baby feels real physical pain during an abortion.
* Abortion is not a “women’s only” issue.
* Every legal surgical abortion stops a beating heart and terminates measurable brain waves.
* The right not to be killed supersedes the right to privacy.
* Abortion disproportionally targets minority babies.
* Abortion has become a form of gendercide, shrinking the global female population at an alarming rate.
Created 18 Sep 2019
Total credit 99,000
Recent average credit 0
Cross-project stats
Country Hungary
Type Other
Founder Life v lies. Dont be a DNA-denier. Abortion kills a new, unique human being (50% are girls) *Its my body* is a lie; How could a MALE fetus be just part of his Moms body? The fetus has her own CNS, circulatory system, blood type, GENES. God is Love. fSk
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